Fun wedding invitation ideas


There are many ways of writing and sending wedding invitations. It’s a good idea to keep the content short and fun. This way your invitees will have a laugh while reading it and will hopefully RSVP more eagerly.

There’s nothing wrong with going for a classical flower design in an envelope and mailing the wedding invitations. But you can also choose a more interactive option. A few fun ideas for wedding invitations are listed below.


For all the digital freaks this is the most convenient solution. And it will make your life much easier. There are many apps out there, which you can use to compose wedding invitations (in more languages) and send the link to your guests via e-mail or social networks. There’s an RSVP link in there, so your guests can reply with just a click of the mouse. And the application does all the counting for you. This way you might only need to add the few relatives or friends who are not all so computer familiarized.

And this is a very useful option if you’re running out of time! 

DIY invitations

If you’re feeling crafty and have enough time (or not many invitees), then this is probably the most personalized option.

You can either craft your own cards with the help of craft paper, make a collage or even find photos of you and the invitee and use that as the cover photo of the invitation.

You could get photo frames, put photos inside and then use a permanent marker to write the invitation on the front! You could hardly get more personalized cards than this.

Just don’t do it if you don’t have time and patience. It will cost you your nerves.


Another idea for the crafty ones is shooting a video invitation.

You could create a fun video of the two of you jumping, running or just having fun in your favorite spot of your hometown. If you feel really creative, use an online tool to add backgrounds to your photos and make a story out of it.

Send it via e-mail or get some wedding themed USB sticks and send it out. This way, your guests will get a useful present with the invitation! Just don’t forget to mention how to RSVP. You need those RSVPs!

Going green

If you’re going to send out invitations, why not doing something good for the environment as well? There are many companies making beautiful wedding invitations out of recycled materials. This way you’re sending out individual letters AND being sustainable at the same time!

Another thing that would make for a lovely surprise is using “seed paper”. This is a paper that contains plant seeds. Once your guests are done with it, all they need to do is put the paper on some soil, sprinkle some water on it and soon beautiful sprouts will come out of the invitation! What a beautiful side effect to a lovely invitation, don’t you think?

6 things to do with unwanted wedding gifts

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