The Kingston Wedding Planner is adding a New Free printed "Preferred Wedding Vendor Guide".
This will be distributed at all the local vendors as well as the wedding shows.
You don't want to miss out on this opportunity.
Choose one of our web listings
we do it all for you!
  • Blogs
  • Mobile exposure through our new IPhone App.
  • Local Exposure at the shows we participate in.
  • Pinterest exposure. We pin all our listings designed.
  • Interactive full color ads with ability to add video and slide shows into the design.
  • Email blasts for your promotions or events on the home page, broadcasted to our large mailing list
  • Social Media exposure with Facebook and Twitter!
  • Ultimately generate more revenue, increase profits and grow your business!
books *Each web listing will have a Free listing in the printed "Preferred Wedding Vendor Guide

Select your package - each web listing will have a free listing in the “Preferred Vendors Guide”
