Archive for the ‘Bridal Flowers’ Category.

Wedding flowers ideas on a budget

Just like any aspect of your wedding (from the venue, to the wedding dress, and the photography), wedding flowers can eat a big piece of your wedding budget if you let them. Be a wise bride and plan your wedding flowers budget carefully as it can save you a lot of headaches… and money!

Here are our top picks for wedding flowers ideas on a budget:

Match Your Wedding Venue to Your Wedding Style

Your wedding style and your wedding venue go hand in hand. To make it easier for you to match your wedding style to an appropriate wedding venue, we’ve listed some of the most popular wedding styles and paired them with wedding venues that would brilliantly complement your unique wedding style:

7 Questions You Don’t Want to Forget to Ask Prospective Venues

When touring prospective venues, most brides are overwhelmed by the long list of questions they have to ask and they often forget some not so obvious questions. Fortunately, we’re here to throw some light on the most often neglected (yet not less important) questions you don’t want to forget to ask prospective venues:

6 Money-Saving Tips for Your Wedding Flowers

Just like any aspect of wedding planning, the wedding flowers may turn to any bride’s nightmare. With so many options available (don’t even get me started on Pinterest boards) it is easy to go over your budget and struggle cutting other costs only to fit your wedding flowers back in it.

Luckily for you, we are here to help! Don’t turn your wedding flowers budget into an overpriced fiasco. Just use our 6 money-saving tips for your wedding flowers and we guarantee you fabulous flower arrangements at a reasonable price:

Inspiration Blog: Afternoon Wedding, a Wedding Coffee Bar

     For couples looking for a glamorous wedding on a budget, an afternoon ceremony might be just the right choice. Not only […]

Wedding Registry Ideas and Suggestions

Gift registries are a convenient way of letting your guests know what you’d like to have as your wedding present. But before you set it up and send the shopping invites,make sure you think about the selection of shops and items you’d really enjoy. There’s no point in creating a registry if you just fill up the list with many items and later on regretting having put them on the list. You surely don’t want to start your newly wed-lifestyle with a bunch of things that you don’t need in your home. So here are some groups of gifts that could help you create your wish list for the wedding gift registry.