Archive for the ‘Wedding Trends’ Category.

What Does the Color of Your Wedding Theme Say About You

   When planning a wedding, one of the most significant decisions you will make is choosing a color scheme. While many people select […]

The most unique wedding venues

Are you a fan of extremities? Does just the word “traditional” send shivers down your spine? Do you want your wedding to be remembered by your friends and relatives as the craziest wedding event they’ve ever been to? You may find these unique wedding venues inspiring!

Wedding Music Tips and Ideas

Wedding music must be one of the nicest parts of wedding planning, right? Well, not so much for the future bride that has already been loaded with endless tasks and important decisions to make like choosing her wedding style, the wedding venue, etc.

Here are some wedding music tips and ideas that will help you get out of the wedding music maze (almost) safe and sound:

5 Unique Wedding Photography Ideas

Hiring a professional and experienced wedding photographer will guarantee you top quality photos and a ton of creative ideas for your wedding shots you will be inspired by. This, however, doesn’t mean that you can’t share your own original photo ideas with your wedding photographer.

What does the color of your wedding dress mean?

With so many color choices for wedding dresses coming from the fabulous wedding dress collections of some of the most famous bridal apparel designers, it is hard to pick the color of your wedding dress…

5 Wedding Hair Mistakes You Haven’t Thought Of

We know you must be aware of the most common wedding hair mistakes (like dying your hair just a few days before the big day or trying a new hairstyle), so we won’t bother you with these. What we will focus on are some less obvious wedding hair mistakes that, if avoided, can save both your bridal hairstyle and your overall wedding look!