Archive for the ‘Wedding Planning’ Category.

Wedding Flowers Tips

Choosing your wedding flowers can be a challenging task given the wide variety of options regarding type, color, style, etc… Don’t let your enthusiasm fade away, though! Follow these simple tips and you will be guaranteed the best wedding flowers choice:

DIY Wedding Flowers Ideas

Getting ready for the big day is a process that’s filled with excitement, dreams, expectations, and, of course, a lot of planning and hard work. Every bride wants this day to be perfect – just like she had imagined it when she was a little girl.

Wedding flowers mistakes to avoid

Choosing the right bridal bouquet and flower arrangements is not an easy task. Flowers have always been an important factor in the wedding planning process as they complement the wedding theme, enhancing important wedding elements like the venue and the reception.

5 ways to save on wedding music

Wedding music is an integral part of your wedding day. It is this intangible link that bonds everything together and creates a lot of memorable moments for you and your wedding guests. From the wedding march to your first wedding dance and all the way to the after party dance craze, your wedding music will be one of the highlights of the big day.

Wedding Music Tips and Ideas

Wedding music must be one of the nicest parts of wedding planning, right? Well, not so much for the future bride that has already been loaded with endless tasks and important decisions to make like choosing her wedding style, the wedding venue, etc.

Here are some wedding music tips and ideas that will help you get out of the wedding music maze (almost) safe and sound:

Truths and Myths about Your Wedding Music

Just like any other aspect of your wedding, your wedding music is a topic that raises a lot of myths and you may hear a lot of unsolicited advice about it from your family and friends.

Here are the most common wedding music myths (and truths):