Posts tagged ‘Her Wedding Planner’

Wedding venue ideas on a budget

Planning your wedding, as exciting as it is, may cost you a lot of time, efforts, and… money. Now matter how hard you try, you will inevitably struggle to fit in your budget, compromising one thing or another. That’s something completely normal and you should not feel bad about it.

The ultimate wedding venue checklist

You are already head over heels in the wedding planning and you head starts spinning just at the thought of making another list. We totally understand you! Worry no more, everything you need to check regarding the wedding venue is here:

Creative Wedding Menu Ideas

Getting creative when it comes to your wedding is a serious challenge. Fortunately, the wedding catering is one part of the wedding planning that welcomes creativity without changing the style or focus of your wedding.

Wedding Catering Mistakes to Avoid

The wedding catering is one of the main aspects of every wedding and it can generate a lot of tension and worries around its perfect organization. That’s why we’ve put together the most commonly made mistakes when it comes to wedding catering. Read on and take notes to prevent falling in the trap of these wedding catering mistakes:

Self-catered Wedding Ideas

So, you have decided on a self-catered wedding. Congratulations! There are so many options you can choose from and the possibilities are endless. You have the freedom to choose the perfect menu, fit in a previously decided on budget, follow a beloved fashion trend or just go with your imagination.

Wedding Food & Drink Menu Ideas on a Budget

Having a tight budget for your wedding? You don’t have to compromise with the quality of the food and drinks at your wedding in order to fit it!