Posts tagged ‘HerWeddingPlanner’

What Not to Forget When Setting Up a Wedding Gift Registry

Marrying your other half AND getting presents for that is pretty cool. But you want to help your guests out a bit with the choice of gifts. It will be easier for them and you’ll be happier getting things you want.
Here’s a few things to think about when setting it up and hopefuly this list helps you out with that!

Wedding Registry Ideas and Suggestions

Gift registries are a convenient way of letting your guests know what you’d like to have as your wedding present. But before you set it up and send the shopping invites,make sure you think about the selection of shops and items you’d really enjoy. There’s no point in creating a registry if you just fill up the list with many items and later on regretting having put them on the list. You surely don’t want to start your newly wed-lifestyle with a bunch of things that you don’t need in your home. So here are some groups of gifts that could help you create your wish list for the wedding gift registry.

Tips for Choosing Your Wedding Venue

    Choosing your wedding venue might seem very easy from an outside perspective. Really, it necessitates some serious planning! You don’t want […]

How to Choose Your Wedding Photographer?

  Your wedding day needs to be the most unforgettable day of your life. However, once the cake has been cut, the first […]

6 things to do with unwanted wedding gifts

Among all the wedding gifts there’s bound to be something you don’t really need. Hopefully the following 6 ideas will help you with those unwanted items.

How to take care of wedding guest accommodation

You’ve invited everyone to your wedding, but where should they all sleep? Here are a few tips to help you out with wedding guest accommodation.