Posts tagged ‘her wedding planner tips’

Tips for Choosing Your Wedding Venue

    Choosing your wedding venue might seem very easy from an outside perspective. Really, it necessitates some serious planning! You don’t want […]

How to Choose Your Wedding Photographer?

  Your wedding day needs to be the most unforgettable day of your life. However, once the cake has been cut, the first […]

6 things to do with unwanted wedding gifts

Among all the wedding gifts there’s bound to be something you don’t really need. Hopefully the following 6 ideas will help you with those unwanted items.

How to take care of wedding guest accommodation

You’ve invited everyone to your wedding, but where should they all sleep? Here are a few tips to help you out with wedding guest accommodation.

Fun wedding invitation ideas

You can always go for a classic flower design in an envelope and mailing a wedding invitation. Or you can choose a more interactive wedding invitation!

Top 4 Wedding Music Mistakes (and how to avoid them)

There’s so much pressure on the future bride during the wedding planning. She has to be aware of so many details like how to pick the perfect venue, when is the best time to send those wedding invitations, what wedding color scheme will best fit her wedding style, how many bridesmaids are too many bridesmaids, etc.

When it comes to wedding music, the situation gets even more complicated, because, let’s face it, most future brides are not musicians! So, how to be sure you won’t make a wedding music mistake you’ll regret later? As a start, check out these most common wedding music mistakes plus some invaluable advice on how to avoid them: